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Info in English

About Elvis Language School

Founded in 1990, Elvis Language School is your gateway to the world of languages. Our teaching of English and other languages is built upon the efficient Communicative Approach, which not only introduces you to the basics but transforms you into an individual capable of communicating in foreign languages with ease and confidence.

Why Choose Elvis?

  • Proven Methodology: Our teaching method has years of proven success and is adopted by leading language schools worldwide.
  • International Environment: All our courses are exclusively taught in English, making them accessible to international participants.
  • Professional Instructors: Our instructors are highly qualified and cater to the individual needs of each student.
  • Friendly Atmosphere: Join us and experience learning in a friendly and stimulating environment.

Our Language Course Offer
While our primary focus is on teaching English, we also offer courses in other languages, such as Spanish, German, Czech for foreigners, and other languages.
We also offer a year-long daily English program, for which it's possible to obtain a residency visa. This program runs from September to June. Classes are held from Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM. You can attend in person, opt for a blended approach, or study online.

Certificate Specialization
Apart from general and business language, we prepare you for prestigious international language certifications such as Cambridge English (Preliminary, First, Advanced, Proficiency), IELTS, TOEFL, and STANAG exams.

Individual and Corporate Courses
For individual lessons or corporate courses, we tailor-make our teaching plans to fit the group or the student. A personal approach to each of you is essential for us. We know how to set the instruction so it's most effective. Our satisfied student references are a testament to the quality of this approach.

Awards and Certifications
We are proud to be consistently listed in the decree of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports (MŠMT ČR) and to hold the Cambridge ESOL certification from the prestigious Cambridge University due to our excellent preparation for the international Cambridge Exams.

Getting Started with Us
We offer both in-person and online courses. Please choose the current course through this link. We'll be happy to assist you with your selection. The ideal approach is to first take our online placement test and then email us with your learning requirements. We will then send you the available course options with us. Don't hesitate to contact us; we're more than willing to provide consultation on the best course choice for you.

Join Us!
We want every student of ours to leave satisfied. We look forward to helping you unlock the doors to the world of languages.

Contact Information:

Our office and classrooms are located in Prague 4, just a 5-minute walk from the Roztyly metro station (red line "C")
zobrazit na mapě (show location on map). 

phone: +420 241 405 628, +420 241 409 001
GSM: +420 602 350 632; +420 732 910 614
e-mail: elvis@elvis.cz
www: www.elvis.cz



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Kurzy angličtiny nové kurzy co 6 týdnů
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  • konverzační kurzy
  • individuální kurzy
Online kurzy studujte jazyky odkudkoliv
  • individuální i skupinové kurzy
  • pro děti i pro dospělé
  • čas a intenzita dle domluvy
Pomaturitní studium školní rok 2024/2025
  • přijďte se podívat na ukázkovou hodinu!
  • studium již od 28 990 Kč!
  • angličtina u nás se vám bude líbit!
Kurzy španělštiny
  • přijďte se podívat na ukázkovou hodinu
  • naučte se jeden z nejrozšířenějších jazyků
  • skvělá atmosféra ve třídě
Příprava ke zkouškám
  • PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, BEC přípravné kurzy
  • příprava na maturitu - Aj, Mat, Fyz
  • příprava na VŠ - matematika, fyzika
Firemní výuka domluvte si termín
  • na výběr přes 20 jazyků
  • výuku zaměříme na různé odbornosti
  • audity jazykových dov. zaměstnanců